Isle of Wight Beekeepers Association

The Isle of Wight Beekeepers Association is  funded primarily by membership fees and the effort of its volunteers, however donations are much appreciated and help to maintain the Association activities in general.

The volunteers who are part of IWBKA swarm team are highly skilled beekeepers and often heroic individuals, who set time aside from their lifes to collect unwanted bees. Swarm collection is often complex and therefore not all swarms can be successfully removed, despite the efforts by the beekeeper. 

Should you wish to make a voluntary donation, please transfer your contribution to the IWBKA bank account details, as below:

  • Using your surname (if an individual) or organisation name as reference
  •  To: Isle of Wight Beekeepers Association
  • Sort code 30-95-99
  • A/C 00408287 

 Many thanks!

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